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Why It Matters, How to Do It,
& How It Shapes the Lifestyle You Live!

“Taking joy in life is a woman’s best cosmetic.” 
                                  -- Rosalind Russell


What does your lifestyle say about how emotionally healthy you are?

What does the way you treat yourself teach those around you?

What messages does your ability – or inability – to relax or have fun send to your subconscious mind?
-- And how does that relate to being healthy, being satisfied, and creating the life you really want to have?

Self-Esteem is a big topic, and Self-Nurturing is one piece of that topic – and OH! what an important part!!

How well do you take care of yourself?  There are many ways we need to do that, since we need to care for ourselves in many different arenas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  

However you are – or are not – self-nurturing, you send messages every day about how much you value yourself.  As you make this statement to the world, you also make it to yourself.  And every day, you teach others how to treat you by the way you treat yourself.


            This Tele-Seminar is based on the second book in Liah’s 12-Part Soul-Esteem Series:   
How to Transform Surviving into Thriving


Liah says:
          "When I learned what being “Self-Nurturing” really means, I saw what I was doing to block myself. It was an “AH-HAH!” moment! Before that, I had no idea what was making my life feel so uncomfortable. Finally, the answers were revealed by looking at the concept of Self-Nurturing, and the way to transform my life was revealed. 

            "Step-by-step, my life improved with each small change:  how I ate, played, organized, rested, planned my time, responded to requests, reacted to others, beautified aspects of my world, and so much more!"

Discover how YOU can renew your life, your energy, your happiness, your self-value, and even prevent illness with this Tele-Seminar!  Liah will talk about:

1.      12 Point Self-Assessment of Your Current Self-Nurturing

2.      Surviving VS Thriving

3.      How Your Total Self-Esteem Relates to How You Care for Yourself

4.      The Dangers of Turning a Deaf Ear to Your Own Vital Needs

5.      How to Overcome Barriers to Taking Better Care of Yourself

6.      How to Answer the Cries of the “Child Within”

7.      How to Discover What it is You Really Want for Your Life

8.      What to Do to Increase Your Mental Energy

9.      Top Ways to Care for Yourself Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually

10.  How to Transform Your Lifestyle





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