"Every Success Star message gives me an uplift! And Liah's great tele-seminars speak directly to my issues."
Dianne Barry

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Transform to Your
Streamlined Body!

Making a change in your body is fun!
You'll just need to get the cooperation of your emotions, your self-image, your actions, and Be a Mentorning skills.

You'll see a dramatic wonderful change
in your appearance in just 3-4 weeks!Success Star's 3-Part Programs will guarantee that you'll reach your targets.

YOU'LL FIND all the information and help you'll need to build your NEW SELF IMAGE and your WILLPOWER to make it HAPPEN!

Articles, audios, Tele-Seminars, videos, and a
COMING IN MAY!! Check back here to see the schedule!

But -- you know that being SEXY and ATTRACTIVE is all about being CONFIDENT ... COMFORTABLE WITH YOURSELF ... INTERESTED IN LIFE !!!

So, when you're ready to get STREAMLINED, start with powerful messages for your mind and emotions, get de-toxed, get moving!, and think elegance & energy, when you think food.

UPCOMING SOON right here at Success Star Institute, a
30-Day Guided Program for Streamlining Your Body!!

  • Powerful Subconscious-Changing Messages

  • Detoxifying your Body

  • Move, Exercise, Play!

  • Eating elegantly

Positive Mental Attitude
and Weight Loss

If you've been dreaming an impossible body image dream, maybe it's time to get real about your role models. All those actors, actresses, athletes and models aren't really the best roles models for most of us. They get PAID to look the way they do! It's part of their job description. Do you honestly think that the super model you admire so much would still be on the cover of the top magazines if she gained another 50 pounds – or even 15?

You need to look for everyday people who are trying to live happy, healthy, lives.

People who are hopeful about themselves and their futures. These are the types of people who can serve as true role models for you. Many of these same people that you see as trim and fit may have struggled for years with their own weight problems and through their sheer determination, lost that extra weight – and kept it off.

The people who have struggled and won – those are the true role models. Just the fact that they have struggled with their weight in the past, and overcome it, should tell you that they know. Know how hard it is, know the pitfalls and KNOW how to overcome those pitfalls and eventually succeed.

What are the common traits of these true role models?

  • Individual determination
  • A positive attitude
    Healthy eating habits 
  • Active lifestyles
  • Honesty
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Overall desire to be healthy
  • Commitment to a healthier lifestyle

You need to create your own positive mental attitude towards your weight and your weight loss plan. You are NOT a bad person just because you're overweight! You're NOT a loser just because you have failed at diets in the past! You're a unique individual with strengths and weaknesses – the same as every other person on this planet. You want to convince yourself of this. It is YOU that must be convinced and only YOU can do that. You DESERVE all the happiness that you can get. - and you WILL get it.

Before a race, or before any athletic event – you can be darn sure that the top athletes are convinced that they are going to win. When they don't, they just tell themselves that they need to work harder or train smarter. They ARE NOT thinking about the one day when they only trained for 2 hours instead of their usual 4. They are thinking AHEAD to the next race or event. This is Positive Mental Attitude and what you must try to attain in your diet plan.

 Look ahead – not behind you.

-  Anne P. Jackson



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Success Star Institute * 877-543-3572 * info@lifekraft.com * Atlanta, Georgia
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