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Healthy Apple Woman!Learn to Use
Alternative Healing Resources!

YOU CAN DO SO MUCH to bring your body into a state of vibrant health! Whether you are currently healthy or you are bringing some issue in your body healing or relief, you will find here many techniques and much information to help you be at your physical best! 

Come back to this page in July, 2009, and you will find  numerous NEW easy, simple ways to help everything from respiratory problems to breast pain, from allergies to total body tune-up! We are adding new information to Success Star daily, so you will see new help and information almost every time you visit!

RIGHT HERE YOU'LL FIND all the information and help you'll need to build your VITALITY and raise your ENERGY. Articles, audios, Tele-Seminars and videos full of INFORMATION on HOW TO:

  • Detoxify your body

  • Discover Dozens of Natural Healing Methods

  •  Use foods as Healing Help

  • Learn the Healing Benefitss of Vitamins & Supplements

The Miracle
of Juicing Raw, Organic Vegetables

When I was diagnosed with severe anemia after I had been traveling to different cities all around the world, and speaking for an entire day in each place, then flying or driving to the next city to speak the next day, I wasn't terribly surprised. My grandmother had fought anemia for much for her life.

I immediately went home, took out my juicer, and committed to juicing organic vegetables -- about 2 pounds at a time -- 2 or 3 times every day. I juiced carrots mainly, as I had done many, many times over the years, but had neglected to do for about six months, ever since my most recent move.

I juiced organic carrots, celery, beets, spinach and cabbage. I did as you must do, juicing, then IMMEDIATELY drinking the juice by "chewing" it, and drinking it down within 5 minutes. If you delay any longer, many of the vitamins will oxidize and the juice will have much less value to your cells.

For the most part, I stuck to my plan for two weeks, which was the only time I had off the road before I went back to speaking and traveling daily.

But before I returned to the road, I went back to the doctor to have my blood tested. NO SIGN of anemia!! My red blood cells were remaining intact and strong. I felt 200 times stronger than before I had added raw, fresh juice to my daily routine.

 I resolved that never again would I allow my hectic schedule to get in the way of my health. In fact, the more hectic my schedule, the more urgently I needed to implement actions to support my health.  TRY adding juicing to your life, once a day for a week.  Your skin will look better, you will look younger, and you will feel fabulous.  Try doing it twice a day and for two weeks and the benefits will counteract many months of pushing your body without the necessary support.




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