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Boost Your Brain Power!

Do you know that you can build your brain-power at any point in your life?

“I believe that people in their forties, fifties, sixties and beyond, can retain not only an almost  perfect memory, but can also have “youthful minds,” characterized by the dynamic brain power, learning ability, creativity, and emotional zest usually found only in young people.” 
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.,
 Author: “Brain Longevity”

Do you ever wonder whether your brain is as good as it used to be?
Do you:  

a)    Hunt for keys, glasses, papers much more often than in the past?

b)   Frequently forget things you’ve just done?

c)    Forget the name of someone you actually know quite well?

d)   Pause so long while speaking to search for a word that others interrupt you in mid-sentence?

If so, listen to this Tele-Seminar from the comfort of wherever you are  -- in your car, home, garden --

Brain Boosting:
How to Tune up
Your Most Important Tool

A Tele-Seminar with
Liah Kraft-Kristaine, J.D.


Here are some questions this seminar can help answer:


·     How to unleash more of your brain’s potential

·     10 amazing facts about the brain you should know

·     How stress affects your short term memory

·     How to improve the performance of your memory

·        The effect of exercise on I.Q.

·        What vitamins and supplements you can take to help memory function

·        The key to doing everything better and faster

·        What is available in “Brain Training” today

·        The Brain Longevity Diet

Note from Liah:
"I have experience many moments in my life when I was under extreme stress and noticed that my normally amazing brain wasn’t providing the service it usually did. I would then swing into high gear and use the many tools I had at my disposal.


            I immediately noticed positive changes. After using one “technique” my memory improved again so considerably that I was once again able to give a 7-hour seminar and list more than 20 books and their authors – all without ever looking at my notes. I had “re-tuned” my brain!"


            Is it time for you to give yours a tune-up? This seminar gives you much information to give you as immediate results as what I’ve just mentioned. Or – it may not be YOU who needs the brain tune-up; it may be your spouse, your partner, your parent, or even, your child. This information will help many times in the future!


            Tune in to this Tele-Seminar to unlock the secret of high brain function, intelligence, and memory. This seminar will help you to feel more in charge of your memory, trust what is about to come out of your mouth (names?), and will give you a roadmap to help you do a complete overhaul of your brain, if that’s what is called for!

If you are a Success Star Member, this seminar is free with your membership
(Membership is only $27 /month!!)

If you would like to become a Success Star member and receive 2 LIVE Tele-Seminars each month, 3 inspiring messages every week, and access to a library of life-enhancing programs and information, you may sign up by on the turquoise Join & Benefits button. Your membership runs for 30 days and is automatically renewed. It may be cancelled at any time.
I welcome you
to join me now!!



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Success Star Institute * 877-543-3572 * info@lifekraft.com * Atlanta, Georgia
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