"Every Success Star message gives me an uplift! And Liah's great tele-seminars speak directly to my issues."
Dianne Barry

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  Books & E-Books Books & E-Books Books & E-Books  
A life transforming book! This program of daily processes will guide you step by step into a new, fulfilling life!
Featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show!
$ 14.95     128 pages
A unique roadmap of a very personal journey you will take toward becoming all you can be. This home study course will help you open to all of your  potential of your wonderful future by exploring and augmenting the keys that affect your success!
$ 29.95     196 pages
Your secret treasure map to your new life. An incredibly powerful home study course to coach yourself rapidly through your old patterns and into success, well-being, health, and enjoyment of life. Move ahead NOW!
$ 29.95        205 pages

Your life is a canvas, and you are the painter. This in-depth journal, used as a focusing tool, will help you to infuse creativity into every important aspect of your life!          40 pages
 $ 19.95  Sale:  $14.95

¡Ahora disponible en el idioma español! Un mes que revolucionara tu Bastan unos minutos diaros – de 5 a 7 – durante 30 días para sustituir hábitors nocivos y obtenir un cambio positivo y radical en tu vida.
$14.95      127 pages



CDs, DVDs & Courses CDs, DVDs & Courses
A life transforming book on CD's recorded by author Liah Kraft-Kristaine! This program of daily processes will guide you step by step into a new, fulfilling life.
Featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show!
-4 CD's in carrying case

Break through limiting patterns of the past, learn elements and secrets of manifestation, and master the techniques of creating wealth!
-6 CD's in carrying case

This program carries powerful affirmations designed to increase your self confidence, energy, personal power and effectiveness while enhancing your comfort level with others and your attitudes about life. A best-seller that will enhance your life for years!

Learn to cope more easily with life. This program helps you reach a state of dynamic relaxation and guides you through creating a new relaxed self-image using mental rehearsals for increasing calm reactions to people and life events.

Train yourself to become a winner and to radiate that winning quality to the world. Excellent for business owners, writers, project managers -- anyone needing to get started fast and keep moving.   This program conditions your subconscious to break through past limitations and build strongly the expectation of success.

Dramatically alter your beliefs and expectations about money and self-worth with affirmations and guided visualizations to re-pattern your subconscious mind. Radically improve your ability to attract wealth. A perfect primer for the Mastering Wealth Series.

For physical, emotional and mental healing. This program contains affirmations for health, healing, and immunity-building. Also contains guided meditations for forgiveness of the past and self-release from guilt.

Activate your powerful creative potential, both for artistic expression and innovative solutions. Both sides of this cassette use leading edge techniques in brain synch, relaxation and imagery to release blocks and move on to infinite capacity.

The energizing guide for making positive life changes!  Liah demonstrates the untapped abilities of your mind and secrets of Olympic champions. (4 audio cassettes)

This 6- cassette tape audio program helps you in building self-esteem. As you uncover and release feelings you go forward to re-create yourself and your life. (6 audio cassettes)
Tele-Seminars Tele-Seminars


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Contact Us | Liah Kraft-Kristaine’s Media Appearances

Success Star Institute * 877-543-3572 * info@lifekraft.com * Atlanta, Georgia
Powered by LifeKraft Institute and Quantum College Online