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10 Quick Help Steps to Handle Stress in the Moment!

“Unless we come apart and rest awhile,
we just may come apart!” 
                                                      -- Vance Havner


There are many ways to handle stress by analyzing the situation, evaluating your needs and time, making clear choices, changing patterns --- and so on….


But sometimes – OFTEN? – your stress requires techniques and strategies IN THE MOMENT – things you can do RIGHT NOW that will lower your blood pressure, ease your tension, and help you step back from the brink. 


Do you need this seminar? You probably DO if:

   a)   You often wake in the night and can’t get back to sleep

   b)  You awake feeling almost as tired as when you went to bed

   c)    You feel a vague sense of anxiety or fear too much of the time

   d)  You find yourself over-reacting to events more than once a day

If you’re having any or all of these responses to stresses right now, attend this Tele-Seminar from the comfort of your car, home, garden, or swimming pool. Wherever you are, this seminar can come to you! You listen in, then you can ask questions and offer comments-- live!


Here are ways this seminar can help you to sort things out better:


·        How to calm a racing mind within 9 seconds

·        How to lower your blood pressure and get calmer

·        Learn to relax your muscles even when you think you can’t

·        Take an Inventory of your Stress Responses

·        Understand the dangers of unrelenting stress

·        The one tool for stress reduction you always have with you

·        Understanding the interplay between your perception & your stress

·        Quick questions that immediately lower your stress

·        Quick-Change your focus: how to do it

·        Playing the “What’s the worst possible…” Game

·        Playing the “Positive What-If” Game

·        Deciding in the moment to take charge of the quality of your life

Liah says:           
Stress has been an issue in my life. I’ve dealt with it thousands of times, for hundreds of reasons. Still, when life throws us new curve balls, it may take some of us a little more time to calm our responses down, while some are “immediate adapters”."

            This seminar is for those who want to manage stress better, who are reacting with stress to the economy, the problems of others, future fears, trailing anxieties, and more. I want you to have at your disposal the best possible quick tools to reduce your stress so that you don’t cause damage to your body or your general outlook.

            At this time in our planet’s history, many are in need of this information. If you have a friend or relative who needs this information, please forward it to them!


          This seminar will help you to experience relief more often, will give your physical body time to recover from the ravages of stress, and will be a “First Aid Kit” you’ll have for the rest of your life! 





Click HERE
to listen
to Audio Recording
of this Tele-Seminar

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