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How to Set & Create Your Goals to Build a Life You Love!

“I’m not going to limit myself just because people won’t accept the fact that I can do something else.” 
                                                      -- Dolly Parton


Are you at a “Turning Point” in your life?  Would you like it to be?
You may now be at a critical moment where you’re:

a)   Free now to think of optional ways to live your life

b)  Feeling an urge to do something more meaningful

c)    Wanting to leap out of where you’ve been into the next step

d)  Ready to implement some improvements into what is routine

If so, listen to this program, work with the worksheet and write in your journal. Wherever you are in life, this program can give you a boost!


Here are ways this seminar can help you to sort things out better:


·        How to discover the next step for your life

·        How to hear and follow your inner guidance

·        How to grow your belief in yourself

·        Take an Experience/Passion Inventory

·        Setting a plan and planning the action

·        Preparing & empowering yourself to take action

·        Understanding the interaction between your self-image and your choices

·        Paying attention to clues that can guide you to the next step

·        Why and how to avoid over-analysis

·        Life Intention Symbol: how to create one, what it does for you

·        Taking a look at the pieces of the puzzle: what fits, what doesn’t

·        Learning to trust the flow – time-wise, people-wise, coincidence-wise

Liah says:
 "I have had several “Turning Points” in my life, and although each one was uncomfortable, each “Divine Dissatisfaction” brought me to a new level of satisfaction and to a greater vision of what I want. The whole process would have been easier if I had clearly understood what was happening to me – as a process of moving myself from one level to the next – with a lot of help from the Universe!


            "This seminar unlocks the secret of how we develop and grow ourselves. If you have been feeling uncomfortable with the life situation you currently find yourself in, be on the seminar with me! You will experience more than one “AH-HAH!” moment! I guarantee it!! This seminar will help you to trust the process of change more, help you to make better choices, and help you to move toward your intended next level of life experience!"




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